NM101 Wild West
Rosa Linda

It’s a wild and spicy time in New Mexico at the End of Trail and the Fiery Foods show! If you love the Wild West, then this episode is for you.
Hello Friends!
You may have heard (probably because I tell everyone I know…) that New Mexicast is now a weekly TV show. A new episode airs each Monday at 10am on uABQ in Albuquerque. The process of going from an occasional, short format, online-only show to a full, weekly, half hour show has been very challenging, but I think it has been well worth the effort. Now many more people get to see the stories about all the interesting people I feature and there is a much greater value for the wonderful sponsors who help support New Mexicast (thank you!).
It is now time to share that weekly TV show here on NewMexicast.com. It is wonderful that so many people in Albuquerque get to see these quality stories, and now I want to share those episodes with all of you. Season 1 of New Mexicast TV is successfully completed (13 episodes) and is being rerun for 13 more weeks. In a few weeks I will start posting each new episode right here on NewMexicast.com and on my YouTube channel, YouTube.com/NewMexicastTV, at the same time that it premiers on TV, but because we are already halfway through the replay of season 1, the website and the TV airing won’t be in sync for the next few weeks. For now, I am going to start posting New Mexicast TV episodes here on NewMexicast.com twice a week, starting with episode 1, until I catch up with the current episode. In about 6 weeks, if you are on my email subscriber list, you will start to get just one email a week, on Mondays, when the new episode is posted. Hopefully you will enjoy these weekly email deliveries, share your thoughts with some comments, and then share them with friends and family.
For those of you that have been watching New Mexicast online for any amount of time you will recognize many of the stories in New Mexicast TV season 1. That is because season 1 is made up of old favorites, freshened up with new stand-ups and updates. Soon, in season 2, you will start to see brand new stories that have never aired, so I hope you’ll stick with me until then so you don’t miss any of the great new content.
Speaking of great, it’s time to introduce the first episode of New Mexicast TV. Made up of two of New Mexicast’s most popular stories, this episode has a Wild West theme. It begins with the very first New Mexicast story, shot at a place called Founder’s Ranch in Edgewood, New Mexico. It features some of the most impressive shooting action and cowboy clothing I have ever seen. Without further adieux, here is the first segment of the Wild West-themed episode called: “End of Trail”
On TV you would have just cut to a commercial break, and you would’ve seen an ad from one of our awesome sponsors, but here on NewMexicast.com, you just have to click the next video to see the next segment. This one was an episode from later on in the evolution of New Mexicast, and one of the spiciest stories I have ever done. Let’s take a trip to the Fiery Foods Show in Albuquerque, New Mexico:
And there you have it, the first episode, of the first season of New Mexicast the TV show!
By the way, both of these events, End of Trail and the Fiery Foods Show are coming up again very soon, so check them out for yourselves this year. Here’s a link to each of their websites:
Thanks so much for supporting New Mexicast!
Lots of love,
Rosa Linda
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Copyright: New Mexicast, Inc. 2021 All Rights Reserved
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