NM0033 Jungle Cruise
Rosa Linda
– The Most Enchanting Video Podcast takes a journey through the jungle this week!
Hello Friends!
In my excitement over our brand-new website and finishing this oh-so-fun episode on the Jungle Cruise Skippers’ mega reunion at Walt Disney World, I totally neglected to write a post to accompany it! So, for what they’re worth, here are my ramblings…
With the help of two amazing gentlemen, Adam W. Warner and Don Marshall, along with input from lots of very smart tech folks, the new New Mexicast website has been launched! The crowd goes WILD (or at least I do)! It took a lot of hard work, but I think the new look really enhances the functionality of New Mexicast. Instead of a standard scroll-down, blog-style it now uses a video-centric theme with lots of great stories accessible right from the home page. If you haven’t seen it yet, please check it out at: www.NewMexicast.com
For those of you on Facebook, we have added a new plug-in that allows you to sign in to New Mexicast using your own Facebook profile. In other words, you can write comments as yourself complete with your profile picture, not just as an anonymous viewer (of course, you can always choose anonymity too). There is also a new “LIKE” button after every post. This keeps with Facebook’s new push away from “fans” and toward the “like” button. But don’t worry… I know if you click that you “like” it (and I hope you will!), you are really saying you’re a New Mexicast “fan,” right? Well, in my mind, at least!
Another change to the website is that you can now click a handy checkbox when you write a comment which allows you to get an email when there is a follow-up comment posted. This is very Facebook-esque and I really wanted this addition. I can’t tell you the number of times a viewer wrote a wonderful comment and had no idea that I responded to it. So, when leaving a comment, please check the checkbox and/or sign in with your Facebook account. It makes it a lot more fun for me to feel like I’m having ongoing conversations with friends. And after all, isn’t FUN the name of this game?
Now on to the reason you have all gathered here today… the Jungle Cruise Skipper Reunion video! What a crazy, silly, fun and FABULOUS group of people this is. Yes, I was once a skipper myself. When we all got together and stormed the Magic Kingdom, I laughed so much my sides ached. I hope you will also get to laugh as you watch this story. It was actually so much fun that I turned it into a two part series. Next episode to be posted in 2 weeks of course!
For those of you that subscribe to this podcast in iTunes, you probably noticed that all of New Mexicast’s episodes were wiped out for a while. It had to do with the switch over to the new website and the doing away with an old, not-very-helpful plug-in. But I believe I have fixed the problem and you can find every episode there in itunes. If you use iTunes, but haven’t subscribed yet (free, of course!) here’s how to find us: New Mexicast in iTunes
Finally, I want to welcome all the new email subscribers that have joined the New Mexicast family lately. I am so glad you are here and I am hopeful you won’t be disappointed. Not on the list yet? Here’s the link for that too (also free, and spam free… of course!): http://tiny.cc/NMemail
It truly is one of the most exciting times yet here on New Mexicast. I can’t wait to share more with you all!
Lots of love,
Rosa Linda
P.S. Please forgive the extra emails of old episodes which you may have received this week. It had to do with the website switch over and I don’t think it will happen again. But if it does, just look at it as an opportunity to see some of the older (still great) episodes you may have missed.
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Wooo Hooo! A new episode. I got happy watching that thinking of all the fun times we’ve had at Disney & how I can’t wait to see my girls reactions when we go there this month. Love the new design of the website. Very nice!
Thanks so much Becky! I am glad you liked it. It was a fun episode to make and I am THRILLED with the new website. Many more great things coming on the horizon, so keep checking in!
Also, I want to thank all of you that just got on the New Mexicast email subscriber list. As you can see it helps us get some FABULOUS sponsors, which means we get to keep the stories coming.
Ahh, the Jungle Cruise. Regret never getting to see you skipper!
I need to drag out some video of my skipper days. It was definitely so much fun!
(BTW… looks like the FB link is working)
That is so great! Thanks Chuck! I hope you guys are staying dry and keeping your spirits up in TN. Thanks for checking it out for me.
We’re doing fine, thanks for asking. But there are a lot of people who are struggling. Getting out to help out as much as possible…
Dear lady ther is no such thing as a FORMER Jungle Cruise skipper.
My bad! You are absolutely right! You can take the Skipper out of the Jungle, but you can’t take the Jungle out of the Skipper right? LOL! Thanks for watching the story. Be sure to check out part 2 in 2 weeks.
That video was so fun….can’t wait to see the next episode.
Thanks so much Ronda! I think part 2 is just as much fun. But, then again, I’m biased! Thanks for checking out the podcast!
Loved when the kid claimed the castle….of course, it’s hers
Yeah, since she’s my little princess, I am partial to that part too! And then the look on her little sister’s face when she finally sees the castle. Warms this “Disney-freak’s” heart! LOL!
Thanks for this video! I was stuck here in Chicagoland during the reunion and it practically killed me to miss it. Hopefully some time something similar will happen again, for the sake of those of us stuck in the “real world.” It looked like a BLAST!
Hey Jeff, I’m so glad I could share some of the magic with you. Don’t forget to stay tuned for the second part of the Jungle Cruise Skipper Reunion story in two weeks.
Yay! So glad you got things back up and running with iTunes. The first time I saw the video (straight from your website) I had problems with some parts blurring & digitizing. But now that I can download it through iTunes, I was able to see it much clearer from start to finish.
Sofi’s responses: “Wow a real Rino!” and she laughed when the skipper was yelling at the hippos that he had a gun.
Becky, Just wait until they get to see those hippos and rhinos in person. Ziva was a bit afraid as we went through the Jungle, but Ahava was wide-eyed the whole time. Your girls will LOVE it!
Great video Rosa Linda!! I miss everyone already, we need to do this twice a year :). I look forward to checking out some more of this great site and some other videos.
Thanks so much Wayne! I love the way we all stick together even when we live so far from our Jungle roots. Thanks for supporting New Mexicast. Don’t forget to look for part 2 of the Jungle Cruise skipper story very soon.
P.S. I’m going to WDW this weekend. Can’t wait to see our old haunts again!