NM0001 – End of Trail
Rosa Linda
From reporter to mommy and back again…
Hello friends!
After more challenges than I expected, (and more fun than anyone deserves) my new video podcast is READY FOR LAUNCH!!! So, let me officially welcome you to the New Mexicast! (Crowd goes wild!)
Now on to the first episode…
Have you ever dreamed of being a cowboy, or imagined what it would have been like to live during the pioneer days? If so, you’re certainly not alone. Did you know there is an entire organization for people who enjoy reliving the Wild West? In this inaugural edition of the New Mexicast, I introduce you to some of these colorful characters at an event called “End of Trail.”
And, by the way, “End of Trail” is coming up in just a few weeks (June 13 – 22, 2008), so if you enjoy the story, you may want to check out the event for yourself. For more information visit their website at: www.SASSnet.com
As for the New Mexicast podcast itself, this is just the beginning. There will be a new story posted every other week, so please subscribe to the New Mexicast. It’s absolutely free, and will allow you to get updated whenever I post a new episode.
Here are three easy ways to subscribe:
1. By email: This is the easiest way. Just enter your email address in the white box to your right and click “subscribe.” Your email address will be safeguarded and you will get an email whenever I post an episode.
2. Through iTunes: This is the most fun way (in my opinion at least). Just go to this link:
…and click “subscribe.” (In case that link doesn’t work, you can also find New Mexicast by searching in the iTunes store) Then, every time I post a new episode, it will be automatically sent to iTunes on your computer (which is the best part… the episodes will be waiting for you when you are ready to enjoy them).
3. In a reader: Just click where it says “Click here to subscribe to New Mexicast in a Reader” to your right, and subscribe through your favorite reader. (I would say this is for those of you that already know what a reader is.)
And finally, let me thank a few people who have helped me make this awesome video podcast:
The New Mexicast logo is created by: Craig Stickler at Foundation Imaging. Visit him at: www.csp-media.com or www.FoundationImaging.net
New Mexicast’s theme song is “New Mexico” by Dorian Spencer. Visit him at: www.DorianSpencer.com
Thanks to both Craig and Dorian. And, finally, thanks to you for watching! If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a comment here on the website or on iTunes.
See you in two weeks!
Rosa Linda
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Copyright: New Mexicast, Inc. 2021 All Rights Reserved
This is so great! I am so excited to see more stories. It is so entertaining! I will be watching in two weeks. You should be proud.
Hey Rosa! I’ve been so busy sending out the info on your site, that I didn’t even get to watch this videos yet. I just saw your first 2 videos (Promo & End of Trail) & I really like them. I like the way you’ve modified “End of Trail” from your original version, I like the theme music & the logo. Is there any way to have that theme music play when someone goes to the website? I think that would be really nice.
Just great! You constantly amaze me. Keep it up.
I found you through the Manic Mommies podcast.You are doing an amazing job! Very professional. I just watched the intro and episode #1 and I’m looking forward to see the others shortly.
@Cecile – Merci!
@Rebecca – I have to look into that idea about the music. The song is “New Mexico” by Dorian Spencer. I don’t think New Mexicast would be the same without it. He’s awesome!
@NG – Without you, none of this would be possible!
@Malky – So glad you found me. Having a talented woman like yourself saying that I’m doing an amazing job is a HUGE compliment. Thanks so much for your support.
You’re a talented girl. Proud to know you!
@Robin – You are too kind!
I am SO impressed!~ Last time I saw you- we were “girls” cheering for the football team at the Pep Rally- and now- here you are. What an amazing career and Podcast! I will follow immediately. Great to see you again! Can’t wait for the next edition of NewMexicast! Congrats!
@Claudia – The beauty of Facebook! I love that we are all getting back in touch. Thanks so much for your kind words.
For you, or anyone else that may be interested, you can also find New Mexicast in these other ways:
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by email: http://tiny.cc/NMemail
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Thanks to all of you for your support!
Lots of love,
Rosa Linda