NMC085 Morning in Austin

Daphine Mbithuka


Subject: A sneak peek into Rosa Linda’s early morning workout routine!

Developing a workout routine while traveling full-time can prove to be quite a challenge. Especially, when most of the travel is on the ocean as opposed to land. After selling off the s/v Dawn Treader and deciding to live on land for some time, it’s evident that developing a workout routine has become easier for Rosa Linda Román.

In this episode of New Mexi-Castaways, Rosa Linda shares all about her morning routine process, which starts off by going to a fitness class, followed by accompanying her son, Samuel, to school together with Nala, their German Shephard as they run and Samuel skates. If you enjoy processes, this is an episode you definitely wouldn’t want to miss. We hope that you enjoy it!

P.S. If you liked this episode check out our most recent episode:

NMC084 Round Rock Texas Bunk Bed

Recorded: September 13, 2018

Location: Austin, Texas

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Episode Transcript:

Rosa Linda Román (00:29): Hello and welcome to New Mexi-Castaways. I'm Rosa Linda Román and I wanted to share just kind of my process since a lot of what I share with you is just Rosa Linda's ramblings. I thought I would let you listen in on a morning when I've been getting up super early for workouts, and I'll describe that in this upcoming episode, just let you listen in to what it's like early in the morning as I go for my workout. And then, also, as I kind of get the day started with Samuel as he's heading off to school. It's not a very show-stopping, riveting episode, so you are welcome to skip it and hang around till the next one. But I know some of our listeners enjoy just kind of listening to the process. So, without further ado, this is a early morning with Rosa Linda, and Samuel. I hope you enjoy. Rosa Linda Román (01:28): Good morning. Hello, hello. It is 4:50 in the morning, on a Thursday, and I am driving to a fitness class. Normally, I come here with my partner, Renee, she's my next-door neighbor, and she introduced me to this Camp Gladiator. And so, I have been getting up at 4:30 in the morning three days a week for the past several, I guess, three weeks. This is my third week straight doing this which is crazy if you think about it too much, but it's awesome also. I'm really glad I'm doing it. I wanted to describe the morning scene to you. I am driving through this beautiful little neighborhood that we ha are in, in Austin, actually, in Round Rock and I’m a little lost. Let me make sure I know where I'm going. She usually drives and it is early, so my brain has not kicked in yet. And I'm new here, so it's misty, and I had to have the windshield wipers on to clear the condensation or I guess it's the dew that's all over my windshield. Rosa Linda Román (03:04): And I have the windows open. It's 74 degrees outside and it's a beautiful morning. So, I just wanted to let you kind of hear a little bit of the morning process. It's weird when the alarm goes off at 4:30. Nathan always wakes me up because when he's home I wear earplugs, because he's snores. Sorry, honey. And so, he rolls over, kind of, you know, pushes me a little, lets me know my alarm's going off, and then he goes back to sleep, hopefully. And then I lie there for about, I don't know, a minute just thinking like, actually, no, I'm getting up. So, it's not that I'm thinking, “Oh, am I going to do this?” I know I'm getting up, but I usually just kind of take stock of what I'm doing, where am I, what's ahead this morning? And go from there. Rosa Linda Román (04:08): So, I'm pulling into the parking lot and there's people already walking. There's a couple dozen cars, probably. Well, yeah, no, maybe a couple dozen, a dozen, so far, but there's more be behind me, more parking, and there's cones set up in the parking lot and a bunch of people stretching on their mats. So, there's cones, and mats, and weights. And the coach, Ruth, she's here bright and early and she gets everything ready to go and she's a little firecracker. She makes me laugh. She's a petite, I guess, is a better word, petite woman who just is full of energy and she motivates everyone to get moving at five o'clock in the morning. So, I'm going to get myself parked and go get a workout. So, I hope you have a great morning wherever you are. Bye. Rosa Linda Román (05:19): I'm going to let you walk in with me, just can hear the sounds of the morning. Speaker 1 (05:32): Hey guys, I'm going to put [indiscernible 05:33] right here [indiscernible 05:33]. Hey Rosa Linda. Rosa Linda Román (05:38): Good morning. Where shall I go? Speaker 1 (05:42): Rosa Linda you can go right over there. Rosa Linda Román (05:42): Okay. Speaker 1 (05:43): Find yourself. People are coming up. Rosa Linda Román (05:45): Okay Speaker 1 (05:46): You can find a partner. Rosa Linda Román (05:52): Okay, all right. Speaker 2 (05:49): That last one was so great, but yeah, it's all right. Rosa Linda Román (05:51): Nice meeting you [indiscernible 05:52]. Speaker 3 (05:53): Yeah, nice meeting you too, good morning. Rosa Linda Román (05:58): All right. That was a CG or Camp Gladiator workout and I'm sweating up a storm. Speaker 1 (06:09): Good. Rosa Linda Román (06:09): Have a good day. Thank you. Have a good day. Speaker 1 (06:38): You too. Have a good day one. Rosa Linda Román (06:43): Have a good day. You too. Speaker 2 (06:45): I just remember how it started. Rosa Linda Román (06:47): Bye Laurie. They're a little snug, no, I'm- Speaker 2 (07:08): Right on this line. Rosa Linda Román (07:08): Well, and it's just they're small spaces. All right, back in the car. That was a good workout. It's six o'clock in the morning and I have already gotten a great workout and although I've kind of pulled something in my hip, let me turn that on. So, yeah, it was really good. I got a good sweat going and now I'm going to go home, pick up, well, I'll have like 15 minutes to myself and then I will get Samuel awake and I like to, I wake him up by, I carry him out of the bed, because he shares the room with his sister right now. It's actually just his and Ziva’s, but Ahava’s in there too because my dad came to visit and needed Ahava’s room and then Ahava never went back into her room. So, I think she likes sleeping with her siblings. It's basically a bunk bed with full on bottom and twin on top. Rosa Linda Román (08:21): So, it's really cute because you know, they still love each other. Anyway, so I carry Samuel out of the bed and let me get out to here, these parking spaces, they're really tight, and it's hard to park well at six in the morning. So, let me back up here without running over any of these people that are all over the place. Anyway, so then I carry him to the couch and close the door so the girls continue to sleep because they have a few more hours of sleep because they have sports till late in the evenings. So, I carry him to the couch. He's all sleepy, and sweet, and snuggly. And then, he used to just grumble, grumble about getting up. And I finally said, he's a morning person, so there's really no reason he couldn't get up, because he usually, once he kind of got past that, you know, “Oh, I'm so tired.” Rosa Linda Román (09:23): He enjoys that morning snuggle time. So, I'll carry him over, he'll get up, and then, he'll get dressed, and get moving and then by seven o'clock we will be putting on his skates, his roller skates, because he roller skates to school. It's about one mile and a quarter if we go the long way, which is all sidewalks or there's a shortcut that's like nine tenths of a mile, but you have to go through this like mucky, muddy cut through this like arroyo grassy, muddy area. So, I don't love going through that part right now, because it's super wet out. It's been raining and raining and raining. Oh, let me open the windows. I know that won't be good for sound, but it's so nice out. It is now 75 degrees. Hopefully, that doesn't destroy the audio though. Rosa Linda Román (10:20): Yeah, and then so then we skate to school. I have Nala with me and she's super excited to get her run in, and then, I drop him off. He changes into his shoes, which is funny because the second day of school when we were just kind of refining our skating to school plan neither one of us brought shoes. We forgot to have shoes for him to change into. So, it's so far. The only tardy he has because I had to wait for Nathan to bring him his shoes. So, it was a sad day that day because he really strives to, you know, be on time and he's so cute. He's really enjoying this school, which I wasn't sure how it would go because this time last year he was in a school or it just did not spark joy. He was in Palm Beach area Rosa Linda Román (11:10): Oh, a man just ran in front of my car, didn't see him? Okie dokie, just jogger. But he came out of nowhere. And by the way, it's still pitch black outside. There's no… other than the streetlights, it's super dark. And yeah, last year he just wasn't thriving. He maybe was just a little too young to sit still the way they want him to. And he was getting in trouble all the time and he wasn't doing anything. I mean, he's a super sweet, compassionate, kind kid. He doesn't like to hurt other people. So, he wasn't doing anything to other kids other than not being observant of their, their personal space. You know, he's in line, and he's wiggling, and he's moving, and he's stepping out of line and the teacher used to write home every day pretty much and say, “Well, you know, we're in circle time on the carpet and he would rather roll in a ball than listen.” Rosa Linda Román (12:12): And I'm thinking, “well, he's listening. He just rolls in a ball while he listens because his body needs to move.” But anyway, so all of this to say that he is way, way happier here at this school. And the girls are doing pretty well. I still am not convinced that they shouldn't be in a regular school setting, but little by little we're finding ways to have more social interactions. Ahava has her gymnastics team, and Ziva has volleyball, and she just started flag football, which is pretty cool. And yeah, been trying to get more involved in some of the, what do you call it? The homeschool groups that have social get togethers. So, today is my day with Ziva and I will be spending the day doing activities with her while Ahava goes to work with Nathan and hopefully, gets a bunch of stuff done. So, that's the goal. And I'm home, so I'm going to go in, get ready, and start this awesome day. I'll check in a little bit later and fill out this whole episode, but I'll try to let you listen in to a little bit of our morning process. Bye for now. Rosa Linda Román (13:42): Oh, hi. I got all kinds of people awake. You're up early Samuel. Samuel (13:49): Yeah [indiscernible 13:50] Rosa Linda Román (13:42): Oh, oh. it's a little early but it's not too bad. You're already ready, except your shirt is… is it on right? It is. Okay. Wow. How are you? I know you're already awake, but can I have some snuggle time even though I'm sweaty and disgusting? Nathan (13:49): Good boy. Rosa Linda Román (14:13): Thanks, a good workout. Nathan (14:14): Good. Rosa Linda Román (14:15): Yeah. Nathan (14:20): You are sweaty. Rosa Linda Román (14:24): How about, oh, you too Nala? You want to give me loving? Come over here because you might pee. So, come over the tile. Oh yes, I know. It's so nice to see you. Hello, hello. You're such a good girl. Are we going for a run later? Yeah. Okay. Good mornings. Did you pee? Oh good. You didn't pee? Yeah. No, I don't really like that noise. All right. Son. I need some snuggle time. Samuel (15:04): Okay. Rosa Linda Román (15:12): Okay. How are you today? Samuel (15:14): Okay, I’m good. Rosa Linda Román (15:13): Okay, what? You're like a board, you're heavy. Oh my gosh. It's like dead weight. Look at this. Samuel (15:23): A turkey. Rosa Linda Román (15:24): Yeah, I can barely lift you. Samuel (15:26): Okay, now you can. Rosa Linda Román (15:27): Okay. You're getting too big. What happened? Samuel (15:32): Pick one. This is from [indiscernible 15:34]. Rosa Linda Román (15:35): Oh, okay, black. Samuel (15:37): B-L-A-C-K. Rosa Linda Román (15:40): What do they call those things? Samuel (15:43): Cootie catchers. Rosa Linda Román (15:43): What is it? Samuel (15:44): Cootie catchers. Rosa Linda Román (15:45): Cootie catchers. Samuel (15:44): Mm-Hmm (affirmative). Rosa Linda Román (15:46): Okay. Number seven. Cootie catchers [crosstalk 15:51]. Samuel (15:51): One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Rosa Linda Román (15:56): Five. What did it say? You will fall in love. Yes, I'm in love. I'm in love with you, I'm love in love with daddy, I'm in love with Ahava, and Ziva, and even you, Nala, even you, okay? Samuel (16:15): Even though you sometimes baby [indiscernible 16:16]. Rosa Linda Román (16:21): Nala, nobody needs that noise, nobody needs that noise. Samuel (16:26): But you said you loved her. Rosa Linda Román (16:26): I know. She was so happy, she squeaked. All right. Well, I am sweaty, so, but… Samuel (16:38). Every day of the morning. Rosa Linda Román (16:39): But it was good, it was a good workout. Rosa Linda Román (16:44): Well, there you have it. That is the episode where it's just really a nat sound listening into the natural sounds of one of my mornings with fitness and fun with Samuel. I really need to record the process of skating with him because that is a whole different experience between having Samuel and, you know, Nala unleash. It can be quite comical. And then, when we add a friend, his best friend to the mix, it really is quite an adventure. But for now, I just wanted to share that with you. Again, I know it's not for everyone, just those of you that enjoy listening to the process, maybe see a little bit of your own morning madness in there. If you like these episodes let me know. Send me a note on rlr@newmexicast.com or put a comment on either the website newmexicast.com or in any other place you can find me. I'm on Facebook as New Mexicast and YouTube is New Mexicast TV. All right. I hope all is well with you. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of New Mexicastaways from Austin, Texas, and I will check in again soon. Bye.

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